Which Part of the Body are You? Part 1

Imagine the heart comparing itself with the brain and competing with it by trying to carry out the function of thinking instead of pumping blood to keep the body alive? Weird, isn't it? I thought so too. Now try to relate it with the present day Body of Christ global. I did that myself and realized that comparison and competition is one of the major issues we face today. Before I go on, let me clarify that the Body of Christ I'm writing about is every individual Christian believer who gets to meet with other individual Christian believers anywhere they are in the world. So, this post is addressing each of us — the individual believer reading it because it's who we are that we carry everywhere we go — our mindsets, personality, spiritual gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses and all. Especially in these internet-driven days of being remotely mobile. It's for us to reflect on how our individual actions affect the entire Body of Christ. I'll be focusing on self disc...