
Showing posts with the label self discovery

Which Part of the Body are You? Part 1

Imagine the heart comparing itself with the brain and competing with it by trying to carry out the function of thinking instead of pumping blood to keep the body alive? Weird, isn't it? I thought so too. Now try to relate it with the present day Body of Christ global. I did that myself and realized that comparison and competition is one of the major issues we face today.  Before I go on, let me clarify that the Body of Christ I'm writing about is every individual Christian believer who gets to meet with other individual Christian believers anywhere they are in the world.  So, this post is addressing each of us — the individual believer reading it because it's who we are that we carry everywhere we go — our mindsets, personality, spiritual gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses and all. Especially in these internet-driven days of being remotely mobile.  It's for us to reflect on how our individual actions affect the entire Body of Christ. I'll be focusing on self disc...

Dear Leader — 10 Practical Points for Inspirational Leadership for Godly Leaders

Do you consider yourself a godly leader in any sphere of influence? Are you in the business of leading, inspiring and imparting people? Then, you will find these insightful scripture-based and practical leadership points useful. Reflect on them, use them to check yourself and feel free to bookmark or save for future reference. 10 Practical Points for Inspirational Leadership for Godly Leaders • Dear Leader, in a world of many voices of selfish discouragement, be the voice of selfless encouragement to push people to be their best selves! Let love lead. • Dear Leader, don't highlight people's weaknesses so much that you don't even see their strengths and innate potentials anymore! Know your strengths and weaknesses, play to your strength and encourage those you lead to do the same. • Dear Leader, when people share ideas with you, be the affirmative voice that says "Go ahead! You can do it! You're going places!" Not the degrading/insecure voice that says "Yo...

An INFJ's Journey To Self Discovery

© In one sentence - It was hard. Growing up, I discovered quite quickly that I was different. The two words that I remember being used to describe me while growing up were - "Quiet and Slow." There were many instances in which the words were used but, the most notable experience was my tenth birthday anniversary.  I was born into a Christian family, so most celebrations were carried out within the religious gathering - my ten years old birthday celebration was not excluded either. It was a surprise celebration - I had no idea that it was being planned until the birthday morning when a huge cake landed on our doorstep. We (My family and I) took the cake and some snacks to the church family for the celebration, as was the norm.  Several people who had close relationships with me were given the chance to talk about me during the ceremony. I remember vividly because the event was recorded into a tape which I watched severally growing up. My brother...

Self Discovery and Your Basic Temperament

In a previous article , we introduced temperaments as the fundamental reasons we act differently or alike as the case may be. The four major temperaments known are: Choleric (extroverted) Sanguine (extroverted) Melancholic (introverted)   Phlegmatic /Supine (introverted) Each of these temperaments have traits that are unique to them. When the temperaments blend together in a person, we see the person exhibit traits from their temperamental blend. The traits they show more determine their Primary temperament while the Secondary temperament, as the name implies, balances it out. The four temperaments combine to form blends which are 12 in number. You might also show tetiary and quaternary traits from other temperaments but these are negligible.  The 12 blends of temperaments (from the most extroverted to the most introverted) are:  Sanguine-Choleric (San-Chlor) - Complete Extrovert Choleric-Sanguine (Chlor-San) - Complete Extrovert  Sanguine-P...

Steps To Understanding The World Of Introversion

Hello, my lovely blog readers, I'm so excited to be back. So sorry for the long break. Hope you've all been faring well. Here's another interesting piece from me. I hope you'll enjoy and learn from it. Intro  Temi is a well brought up young lady from a family of five. She has two younger siblings. She is somewhat an introvert but she does not know it. She prides herself as being social and is unaware that people think negatively of her because they misunderstand her every action. Scenario  Temi, after series of lectures, desires to be left alone so that she can find some peace and quiet to think. She finally gets the space she so desired and uses the opportunity to reflect on her day, on how productive her day had been and her plans for the remaining of the day. She is deep in thought when one of her course mates passes by. On seeing her, he waves, calls her name and says "Hello!" but, because Temi is deep in thought, she does not hear him a...


Recently or should I say for sometime now, there's been a lot of questions on my mind about why I act the way I do, why I react a particular way to a situation, different from how another person would react in such situation, what makes individuals act alike or differently as the case may be, etc. Okay, these questions kept coming so, I used one of the special and most useful products of technological advancement, the google search engine to solve the mystery. Of course, I discovered that these questions were popular to the majority all around the world, which gave rise to research on why we act the way we do by psychologists and other individuals. From my finding, this research gave rise to the discovery of what we now refer to as TEMPERAMENTS. My simple definition of temperament goes thus: Temperament refers to the fundamentals of why we act the way we do when presented with different situations or circumstances and also in our daily lives. These fundamentals are genetic ...


The Teenage/adolescent years is one of the most trying times of one's life in the growth cycle, as it is the transitional period between Childhood and Adulthood. During this time, one experiences a whole lot of changes both physically and emotionally. At this time, many teenagers do not know how to adapt to these changes. They experience alot of moodswings, they feel misunderstood most times, they just want to blend, to have a sense of belonging. Some teenagers become rebellious at this stage of their life, they question the things they were taught as children and want to explore new things. This is the period where some teenagers learn and understand themselves experientially, unlike the childhood period where the learn theoretically. At this stage of life, it is good for the teenagers to be surrounded by wise counsel, in person of loving and understanding parents/guardians, who will patiently walk through this stage with their children/wards, explaining their seemly rebell...


Hello there, welcome to the last episode of this enlightening and informative self growth series. If you didn't read the previous episodes, catch up on them via the following links: Episode 5: Episode 4: Episode 3: Episode 2: Episode 1: Physical touch is the love language that entails hugging, holding of hands, a peck on the forehead etc. You must have come across a set of people who have a habit of having body contact (touching) when they speak, this could be their love language. For people who do not speak physical touch as a love language and who might naturally not like it, they have to make conscious e...


Hello friends... Hope you're having a beautiful day. I sure am having a beautiful day and I am super excited about continuing this series. The individual who speaks receiving gifts as a love language never comes back home without bringing little or big gifts for loved ones. Hmm! I must say, from my point of view, that this is the most expensive love language. 🙂 So, take note, if you know someone who brings something for you anytime they come visiting, no matter how small e.g. Biscuits, flowers etc. or requests you bring something for them virtually every time you go out or are fond of sharing what they have with you, be prepared, this could be their love language. Deliberately try to get them something when you come around, no matter how little it is, to let them feel your love. There is a principle from the scriptures that says: "Do unto others as you would want others to do to you." (Luke 6:31) Most people apply this principle, howbeit, unconsciously mos...


Hello friends... Hope you're having a beautiful day. I sure am having a beautiful day and I am super excited about continuing this series, so sorry for the short break. Acts of service is the love language spoken by the Prince/Princess Charming who helps you carry your bag when he/she sees you coming down the street, assists you with house chores, assists or helps you generally in one way or the other. I must say that this love language is unique, in its own way, as with orher love languages and would be of great advantage if mastered. Not everyone one naturally speaks it, but like other love languages, you can master it by conscious training yourself to speak it deliberately. On this ground, I would like to emphasise that we all have the capacity of speaking all the five love languages but it takes deliberate effort to speak them. We can however, speak them fluently by the help of the Holy Spirit. Speaking all the love languages is necessary, especially when we notice t...


Hello friends... Hope you're having a beautiful day. I sure am having a beautiful day and I am super excited about continuing this series. If your love language is Quality time, you would notice that you love giving attention to friends and loved ones, you listen attentively when they speak and you spend time with them. Also, you'll notice that you feel hurt when you are ignored by someone you are close to. Although, this may not be the love language of other people around you (some people may even interpret it as time wastage or possessiveness), you have to understand their own love language, learn it and speak it to them. However, knowing your own love language (self awareness) helps alot, especially within the marriage institution, it helps your spouse a great deal. On the other hand, a person whose love language is words of affirmation is very good at compliments, giving encouragement, knowing the right words to describe an individual or situation, may as well be g...


  Hello to you, my lovely reader. Thank you for following my blog and for your constant encouragement.  Today, we would continue our series 'Showing Love the Right Way.'  I first heard and read about Love languages in Gary Chapman's 'Five Love Languages' which have different editions - For singles and for married (I recommend this book, it is a must-read for every individual).  Basically, five love languages exist, they are: Quality time Words of affirmation  Acts of service  Receiving gifts  Physical touch  Before I proceed with the concept of Love languages, I would first state the qualities of love as it is in the Holy Bible. 1st Cor. 13:4-7 says: "Love is patient, Love is kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always...


Hello lovely readers. Today, we'll be continuing our discussion on this very important topic - Love. Hmm! L-O-V-E, a four letter word that has existed as far back as anyone can remember, it has been interpreted, misinterpreted and reinterpreted (if anything like that exists).We would safely assume that we are all familiar with the secular angle of love i.e philos, eros etc. Today, a new angle is going to be discussed, from the Christian's perspective! Do you know that Love is the major example that Jesus Christ came to show us? Two major commandments given by Jesus establish this fact: 1. Love the Lord thy God with all their heart and with all thy soul. (Matt.22:37&38) 2. Love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matt.22:39&40) Come to think of it, the ten commandments were summarized into two and truly, in reality, it's only through love that you can fulfill the ten commandments. Jesus made it clear that to prove that you love Him, you have to obey His commandme...


An imaginative drawing by Eseosa a.k.a. Luvlybee Alright people, after a lot of brainstorming, I've come up with something unique and special, my own original piece. I'll be telling you a little about myself by discussing my talent- imaginative drawing. Blogging is fun but to me, nothing is more fun filled, thrilling and satisfying as Imaginative drawing. Think about it, you imagine something which isn't present physically and then you pen it down on paper as a drawing. Now, you may not get it perfectly (your imagination) but you get the picture. You would continue erasing parts of the drawing until you get an “almost" perfect presentation (I used almost because no matter how we try, no drawing can really be perfect. Viewers may find it perfect but as the drawer, you'll always see flaws). This is an ‘almost' picture of how imaginative drawing is for me. It is almost like blogging, you share your thoughts with the world through words (letters) but with...