An imaginative drawing by Eseosa a.k.a. Luvlybee
Alright people, after a lot of brainstorming, I've come up with something unique and special, my own original piece. I'll be telling you a little about myself by discussing my talent- imaginative drawing.
Blogging is fun but to me, nothing is more fun filled, thrilling and satisfying as Imaginative drawing. Think about it, you imagine something which isn't present physically and then you pen it down on paper as a drawing. Now, you may not get it perfectly (your imagination) but you get the picture. You would continue erasing parts of the drawing until you get an “almost" perfect presentation (I used almost because no matter how we try, no drawing can really be perfect. Viewers may find it perfect but as the drawer, you'll always see flaws).
This is an ‘almost' picture of how imaginative drawing is for me. It is almost like blogging, you share your thoughts with the world through words (letters) but with imaginative drawing you sketch out your thoughts. Someone has to see it and immediately get your thoughts.
My Experience in the world of drawing

Okay, let's talk about me. I first noticed that a pencil and paper were my best stationeries at a very young age. Then, I would just move the pencil on the paper and come up with a drawing which most of the time appeared comical. As time went on, I noticed that when I was less busy (leisure time), I just drew. The drawings got better after sometime. As they say
“practice makes perfect"
Okay, I've discovered I had a beautiful talent, so what next?
Well, I felt if I could draw imaginative drawings, why not try other drawings? I decided to try still life drawing, well from my own judgement, I did fairly well. That was good, right? So, I decided to try Life drawing. I got a friend to model and drew, guess what? It was a disaster! The drawing turned out to be a cartoon, it looked nothing like my model.
So, I decided that I've gotten my speciality which is imaginative drawing.
Yes, I can try other types of drawing but they wouldn't be as presentable as imaginative.
My other experiences included low esteem, I as an artist felt my drawings were not as presentable as those of other artists so I hid the talent for a long time, I drew in secret but I never showed anyone until one day a friend came across one of my drawings and was awed, I was surprised that anyone found my drawing beautiful but that made me overcome the fear.
Drawing especially imaginative is a very beautiful part of art and I'll forever enjoy doing it.
I also admire other works of art by other artists and they all inspire me greatly. I haven't gotten THERE in the world of drawing but I constantly practice at my leisure so I know someday I will get there in my drawing presentation and all.
So, there goes my summary on my experience in the world if drawing.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Watch out for more of my drawings and articles.
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