Hello there, welcome to the last episode of this enlightening and informative self growth series.

If you didn't read the previous episodes, catch up on them via the following links:

Episode 5:

Episode 4:

Episode 3:

Episode 2:

Episode 1:

Physical touch is the love language that entails hugging, holding of hands, a peck on the forehead etc. You must have come across a set of people who have a habit of having body contact (touching) when they speak, this could be their love language. For people who do not speak physical touch as a love language and who might naturally not like it, they have to make conscious effort to speak it, especially to those around them who speak 'physical touch.'

You could just do as little as giving a hug to show love to the other person. Learning to deliberately speak other love languages that is naturally not yours is good, as it helps you accommodate the other person, just as you hope they also accommodate you by learning and speaking your love language.

I guess it is the contact we have with the people around us that keeps us human. It is the feelings and connections we get from relating with people that makes the world revolve. Love is a beautiful thing and should not be limited to only friends and loved ones alone.

As Christians, we should imbibe it in our daily life, try to speak all the love languages as much as you can, within your capacity, to the people you come across on daily basis. It is indeed not easy, but it pays as you can never tell what life you are touching through your actions, who is being transformed by your deeds, who you are reaching out to and impacting.

It should, however, be noted that we are dealing with fellow humans and so, it is expected that our show of love to them might not be appreciated or even noticed due to human imperfections. I would therefore like to emphasise, on this ground, that your reason for showing love should not be to get attention, appreciation or recognition from people. Your ultimate reason should be that you are doing it as unto God, as a proof of your love for God.

We should know that we are sowing a seed and we will reap a bountiful harvest at the right time (in His time). If we show love for the wrong reasons, we stand a huge chance of being disappointed and dejected at the outcome (Matt. 6:1-18). Our show of love should always be unconditional. Speaking all the love languages fluently well, I emplasise again, takes deliberate effort, constant practise and help from the Holy Spirit because we cannot achieve much by our own accord /strength /power (Rom. 8:11).

Fact: 1. Do you know that the word 'Christian' originated from Antioch because the disciples behaved like Jesus Christ?

2. Do you know that Jesus, in all His perfection, spoke all love languages perfectly well? For confirmation, study His miracle-pattern and life style in the Bible!

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