The Teenage/adolescent years is one of the most trying times of one's life in the growth cycle, as it is the transitional period between Childhood and Adulthood. During this time, one experiences a whole lot of changes both physically and emotionally. At this time, many teenagers do not know how to adapt to these changes. They experience alot of moodswings, they feel misunderstood most times, they just want to blend, to have a sense of belonging. Some teenagers become rebellious at this stage of their life, they question the things they were taught as children and want to explore new things. This is the period where some teenagers learn and understand themselves experientially, unlike the childhood period where the learn theoretically.
At this stage of life, it is good for the teenagers to be surrounded by wise counsel, in person of loving and understanding parents/guardians, who will patiently walk through this stage with their children/wards, explaining their seemly rebellious questions and making them understand themselves better, not to forget "Not sparing the rod" to correct when appropriate, Teachers also play a major role in overcoming this phase, elder siblings and older friends who have their best interest at heart should also be available, to help the teenager make right decisions that won't leave scars that may affect them in future.
As with understanding other areas of life, this is a phase where it is important that every teenager understands how they show and receive love and how members of their family, friends, classmates etc. also show and receive love. This is called Love languages. We are in an enlightened age, many things that older generations were ignorant about in the past have now become common knowledge. As we learn about other areas of life, we should not be ignorant about this crucial area- Spreading Love. The good thing about spreading unconditional love is that it gives you a sense of fulfilment because that is one of the fundamental reasons why humans exist: To love one another and to collectively care for our environment (to keep our ecosystem running). I think that's why we are called "Higher animals".
Basically, Five love languages exist namely:
1) Words of Affirmation
2) Quality time
3) Acts of service
4) Gifts
5) Physical Touch
Any way you try to show love or anything you do to show love can be categorised into any of these 5 love languages. We would briefly mention some things that show one is speaking each love language. If you find that you continually affirm, perhaps a close friend e.g You look beautiful! You are amazing! etc. You are speaking words of Affirmation. If you are always there when a friend needs you, listening attentively, you are speaking Quality time. If you like helping friends or family members with running errands or chores, you are speaking Acts of service. If you like buying gifts for friends and family to show you care, even if it is a stick sweet, you are speaking Gifts. If maybe a friend comes to you sad and you offer him/her a hug, you are speaking physical touch. These examples are just some of many ways you can speak each of these love languages.
While, we can all speak all of these languages. There is one that comes naturally and automatically to you when you want to show love, this is your primary love language, the one you appreciate most when people speak it to you. Understand your love language and speak it unapologetically. Also, deliberately study those around you to know their love languages and how it differs from yours and deliberately speak theirs, so they can feel loved and accepted. If we all learn this, there would be plenty of love to go round. Although, spreading love should go beyond your inner circle i.e friends and family, you should also be able to do it to others you come across and you'll find that in your little way you are helping to make the world a better place by leaving your impact and footprints in the hearts of those you meet.
Try your best to make spreading love your lifestyle. When you are hurt, learn to forgive not revenge and pay back the hurt with love. That way, there would be less evil and more good in the world. As you show love, teach others to do the same, not to pay the love back but to pay it forward. Learn to put a smile on the face of those you encounter and you will find that indeed, LOVE CONQUERS ALL.
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