Self Discovery and Your Basic Temperament
In a previous article, we introduced temperaments as the fundamental reasons we act differently or alike as the case may be. The four major temperaments known are:
- Choleric (extroverted)
- Sanguine (extroverted)
- Melancholic (introverted)
- Phlegmatic /Supine (introverted)
Each of these temperaments have traits that are unique to them. When the temperaments blend together in a person, we see the person exhibit traits from their temperamental blend. The traits they show more determine their Primary temperament while the Secondary temperament, as the name implies, balances it out. The four temperaments combine to form blends which are 12 in number. You might also show tetiary and quaternary traits from other temperaments but these are negligible.
The 12 blends of temperaments (from the most extroverted to the most introverted) are:
- Sanguine-Choleric (San-Chlor) - Complete Extrovert
- Choleric-Sanguine (Chlor-San) - Complete Extrovert
- Sanguine-Phlegmatic (San-Phleg) - Introverted Extrovert
- Sanguine-Melancholy (San-Mel) - Introverted Extrovert
- Choleric-Phlegmatic (Chlor-Phleg) - Introverted Extrovert
- Choleric-Melancholy (Chlor-Mel) - Introverted Extrovert
- Phlegmatic-Sanguine (Phleg-San) - Extroverted Introvert
- Melancholic-Sanguine (Mel-San) - Extroverted Introvert
- Phlegmatic-Choleric (Phleg-Chlor) - Extroverted Introvert
- Melancholic-Choleric (Mel-Chlor) - Extroverted Introvert
- Phlegmatic-Melancholy (Phleg-Mel) - Complete Introvert
- Melancholic-Phlegmatic (Mel-Phleg) - Complete Introvert
We have established the temperaments, so we would discuss the traits of the 4 temperaments and the characteristics of the 12 blends next.
Choleric: This is the 'take charge' temperament. They are all about control and dishing out instructions that they expect to be followed.
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A Choleric Representation |
The traits associated with this temperament include:
Strengths: Practical, Quick thinker, Good Problem Solvers (trouble shooters), Enthusiastic, Determined (Will not give up), Greatly ambitious, Fearless and courageous, Passion to win, Thrilled with opposition, Yearns for great things (quality life), Intelligent, Hardly complains, Born leader, Strong willed, Not easily discouraged, Independent, Confident, Delegates work efficiently, Sets the goal, Motivates others, Excels in emergencies, Visionary, Likes pressure, Self-reliant, Energetic, Daring (risk taker), Decisive, Doer, Direct, Wants results, Likes to achieve results, Goal-oriented.
Weaknesses: Demanding, Domineering, Easily bored, Easily annoyed, Impatient, Bossy and arrogant, Quick tempered, Can’t relax, Too impetuous, Inflexible, hardly gives compliments, Unsympathetic, Dislikes emotions, Little tolerance for mistakes, Can be rude or tactless, Sarcastic, Critical, Must be in control, Pride, has inflated ego, Holds a grudge, Revengeful, Narccistic "His plan is always the best, Tends to use people, Decides for others, "Can do everything better", Finds it hard to apologise, Too independent, Too busy for family, May make rash decisions,Tends to over dominate, Enjoys controversy (arguments), “Knows everything”
We would look at the traits of the other basic temperaments in another article, I hope you gained something. Tell us, do you think that you are a Choleric?
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We would look at the traits of the other basic temperaments in another article, I hope you gained something. Tell us, do you think that you are a Choleric?
Kindly drop your comments. Please click the subscribe button for more interesting articles from me and share with your contacts, thank you. ✌️
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