Hello friends... Hope you're having a beautiful day. I sure am having a beautiful day and I am super excited about continuing this series, so sorry for the short break.

Acts of service is the love language spoken by the Prince/Princess Charming who helps you carry your bag when he/she sees you coming down the street, assists you with house chores, assists or helps you generally in one way or the other.

I must say that this love language is unique, in its own way, as with orher love languages and would be of great advantage if mastered. Not everyone one naturally speaks it, but like other love languages, you can master it by conscious training yourself to speak it deliberately.

On this ground, I would like to emphasise that we all have the capacity of speaking all the five love languages but it takes deliberate effort to speak them. We can however, speak them fluently by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking all the love languages is necessary, especially when we notice that those around us speak a different love language from ours because, by default, as with spoken tongues/languages, people only clearly understand their own.

So, if you, as an English speaking person have to learn French to communicate with French speaking individuals, though not easy but necessary. So also, you have to learn an individual's love language to communicate love to that person.

This should not be one sided though, it should be a conscious effort from both sides, especially in courtship and marriage. That is one of the reasons why the knowledge of love languages is important. Speaking all five love languages fluently requires alot of peactise and deliberateness.

Receiving gifts is another love language spoken by people who don't mind giving you something, just to prove or show that they love you, no matter how small it is.

... To be continued...

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