Hello friends, thank you for staying with me so far. Today is indeed a beautiful day. The article I would be sharing today was the very first article I did online, on my former blog in 2015 and I want to share it with us today. I hope you'll enjoy it and please don't forget to share. How many times have we just sat back to wonder about life and the mysteries it contains? Life itself is a wonder. Nature is a wonder. Have you ever sat back to ponder on the things around you? I sometimes do. Questions like these come to my mind: HOW? How do I breath? Now that is a mystery even though scientists (of which I am one) have a complex explanation on the process of breathing. How do I control my body to carry out different activities like eating (very important), walking, typing (like I'm doing now), laughing, crying etc.? Now I know scientists like myself say these processes are controlled by the brain but to me it's still a mystery. How do I read and understand t...