Which Part of The Body Are You? Part 2

Continued from Part 1 ...amongst the collective Christian believers who gathered in diverse locations in the land of Corinth. In this internet-driven church age, we could relate it to both the physical and online activities done by Christians including content, comments, etc; that could promote disunity across diverse platforms. This understanding of the unity of the Body of Christ discussed in 1st Corinthians 12, can further be explained using the knowledge of the human body gotten from Biology (primary, secondary and even higher education greatly emphasized this.) The human body is organized in a hierarchical structure, starting with cells, which group together to form tissues, then organs, which form organ systems, and eventually, the whole body. Now, relating this to the Body of Christ global, every individual Christian who gives their life to Christ and gets born again is like a cell. And as growth and maturity in the faith including the expression of the fruit of the S...