
How To Create and Add Value as a Christian Youth

When we talk about creating and adding value, the way we as Christians define it is different from that of the world, in many ways. You might be wondering: "What are you talking about? What do you mean?" Stay with me and you would get the full picture. For starters, let me tell you a story so that you can understand the perspective from which I am coming from. The Story Once upon a time, there was a young man (let's call him Peter) who was self employed as a Freelancer and had several clients he worked with. Each had different deliverables and deadlines for him to meet before his payment is made. Peter was a Christian and filled with the Holy Spirit too.  It so happened that he had a co-freelancer, with whom he shared a co-working space, called Mr A.  One day, as they went about their work, a conversation broke out between them. And that conversation is what we would use to differentiate between what value is for a Christian believer and what it represents for an unbeliev

5 Daily Habits of Successful People (Christian Edition)

1. Pray (to talk to God) and meditate (to hear from God) daily. A journal and a pen are a compulsory part of your quiet time. Diligently write down instructions, visions, anything you receive etc. that God shows you. "A life worth living is a life worth recording through writing, video, audio etc." That's how to put the light on the bushel instead of hiding it. Note that recording does not necessarily mean publicly publishing the content. However, have an accountability partner or group to share with. 2. Read to develop areas of your life where you need growth daily. Learn to work harder on yourself than on your job. Build skills that stick with you. If you work hard on your job, you'll make a living. If you work hard on yourself (spiritual growth, soul (emotions, intellect, will) growth, body (mental, nutritional and physical health) growth), you'll make a fortune. P.O.O.R means Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. And everyday is another opportunity to inves

An INFJ's Journey To Self Discovery

© In one sentence - It was hard. Growing up, I discovered quite quickly that I was different. The two words that I remember being used to describe me while growing up were - "Quiet and Slow." There were many instances in which the words were used but, the most notable experience was my tenth birthday anniversary.  I was born into a Christian family, so most celebrations were carried out within the religious gathering - my ten years old birthday celebration was not excluded either. It was a surprise celebration - I had no idea that it was being planned until the birthday morning when a huge cake landed on our doorstep. We (My family and I) took the cake and some snacks to the church family for the celebration, as was the norm.  Several people who had close relationships with me were given the chance to talk about me during the ceremony. I remember vividly because the event was recorded into a tape which I watched severally growing up. My brother

Self Discovery and Your Basic Temperament

In a previous article , we introduced temperaments as the fundamental reasons we act differently or alike as the case may be. The four major temperaments known are: Choleric (extroverted) Sanguine (extroverted) Melancholic (introverted)   Phlegmatic /Supine (introverted) Each of these temperaments have traits that are unique to them. When the temperaments blend together in a person, we see the person exhibit traits from their temperamental blend. The traits they show more determine their Primary temperament while the Secondary temperament, as the name implies, balances it out. The four temperaments combine to form blends which are 12 in number. You might also show tetiary and quaternary traits from other temperaments but these are negligible.  The 12 blends of temperaments (from the most extroverted to the most introverted) are:  Sanguine-Choleric (San-Chlor) - Complete Extrovert Choleric-Sanguine (Chlor-San) - Complete Extrovert  Sanguine-Phlegmatic (San-Phleg) -

Inspired Push - A Story With Life Lessons

STORY: A man had one very beautiful daughter. When the daughter was ready for marriage, the father sent news around town that all the eligible young men should come to compete in a test which would determine who was fit to marry his daughter. On that day, all was set, all the able-bodied young men came out. Some came with papers and pens and others came with cutlasses and swords. The rich man took them to his swimming pool and addressed the men: “Any of you who can swim from one end of this swimming pool to the other would marry my daughter. In addition, I'll give him 15 million dollars, a car and a house so that they can start life well. I shall be waiting to meet my son-in-law at the other end. Good luck!" As the young men, all very excited at the prospect of winning, started taking off their shirts, a helicopter flew over the pool and dropped Crocodiles into the pool. Immediately, all the men turned back and started wearing their shirts. Disappointed, some of them


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Steps To Understanding The World Of Introversion

Hello, my lovely blog readers, I'm so excited to be back. So sorry for the long break. Hope you've all been faring well. Here's another interesting piece from me. I hope you'll enjoy and learn from it. Intro  Temi is a well brought up young lady from a family of five. She has two younger siblings. She is somewhat an introvert but she does not know it. She prides herself as being social and is unaware that people think negatively of her because they misunderstand her every action. Scenario  Temi, after series of lectures, desires to be left alone so that she can find some peace and quiet to think. She finally gets the space she so desired and uses the opportunity to reflect on her day, on how productive her day had been and her plans for the remaining of the day. She is deep in thought when one of her course mates passes by. On seeing her, he waves, calls her name and says "Hello!" but, because Temi is deep in thought, she does not hear him a