Hello lovely readers. Today, we'll be continuing our discussion on this very important topic - Love. Hmm! L-O-V-E, a four letter word that has existed as far back as anyone can remember, it has been interpreted, misinterpreted and reinterpreted (if anything like that exists).We would safely assume that we are all familiar with the secular angle of love i.e philos, eros etc. Today, a new angle is going to be discussed, from the Christian's perspective! Do you know that Love is the major example that Jesus Christ came to show us? Two major commandments given by Jesus establish this fact: 1. Love the Lord thy God with all their heart and with all thy soul. (Matt.22:37&38) 2. Love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matt.22:39&40) Come to think of it, the ten commandments were summarized into two and truly, in reality, it's only through love that you can fulfill the ten commandments. Jesus made it clear that to prove that you love Him, you have to obey His commandme...