Hello lovely Readers, thank you for staying with me and for your constant encouragement. Today, we'll be discussing a sensitive topic which is Dishonesty. It has become a norm in our society today for people to be dishonest. People say one thing and mean another. And what is the end result? Distrust. Yes! Distrust. A worm that is slowly eating up our lives as individuals and collectively. I'll like to draw our attention to the Holy Bible, if you take your time to study it, you'll notice a lot of emphasis on Honesty. "Let your yeah be yeah and your nay be nay." "Say the truth and the truth shall set you free." Dishonesty is born out of a mindset of fear, the fear that if they say the truth, they will be punished or ridiculed especially when they make a mistake. The question I like to ask myself is "What is the worst thing that can happen if I say the truth?" The worst thing that can happen is death, but remember the Christian ...