Which Part of The Body Are You? Part 2

Continued from Part 1 ...amongst the collective Christian believers who gathered in diverse locations in the land of Corinth. In this internet-driven church age, we could relate it to both the physical and online activities done by Christians including content, comments, etc; that could promote disunity across diverse platforms.

This understanding of the unity of the Body of Christ discussed in 1st Corinthians 12, can further be explained using the knowledge of the human body gotten from Biology (primary, secondary and even higher education greatly emphasized this.) 

The human body is organized in a hierarchical structure, starting with cells, which group together to form tissues, then organs, which form organ systems, and eventually, the whole body. 

Now, relating this to the Body of Christ global, every individual Christian who gives their life to Christ and gets born again is like a cell. And as growth and maturity in the faith including the expression of the fruit of the Spirit and clarity of purpose in Christ takes place, we begin to recognize our unique callings, spiritual gifts and understanding given by the Holy Spirit, per time and season. 

These further help us know the type of individual believers to collaborate and relate closely with based on the similarities in callings, gifts and understanding. This process is like the tissue formation and might involve some movement to accommodate growth.

The process continues as groups of people with similar understanding serve together, build up and sharpen one another, just as tissues work together within an organ to make it function. The organ here represents individual gatherings which further work together based on location to occupy the land, this is like the body system. And all the various gatherings worldwide ultimately makes the entire Body of Christ — individuals and groups of people interdependent on one another, growing in the fullness of Christ.

Remember, the goal is for all the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord just as waters cover the sea.

So, you see from this analysis that similarities are not a call for competition but for collaboration. Also, tissues making up the visible organs e.g the ears are not more important than the tissues making up the invisible organs e.g the heart. Same with individuals who the Holy Spirit of Christ gives mobile callings like the evangelistic missions, itinerant and apostolic which are like the mobile cells e.g blood cells making up the connective tissues of the Body. 

Every one of the cell understands it's role and works hand in hand to ensure the proper functioning of the Body. That's also how the Body of Christ ought to function. It all starts with the personal discovery and growth of the individual Christian, powered by the Holy Spirit of Christ. Watch out for Part 3.


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