5 Daily Habits of Successful People (Christian Edition)

1. Pray (to talk to God) and meditate (to hear from God) daily. A journal and a pen are a compulsory part of your quiet time. Diligently write down instructions, visions, anything you receive etc. that God shows you. "A life worth living is a life worth recording through writing, video, audio etc." That's how to put the light on the bushel instead of hiding it. Note that recording does not necessarily mean publicly publishing the content. However, have an accountability partner or group to share with. 2. Read to develop areas of your life where you need growth daily. Learn to work harder on yourself than on your job. Build skills that stick with you. If you work hard on your job, you'll make a living. If you work hard on yourself (spiritual growth, soul (emotions, intellect, will) growth, body (mental, nutritional and physical health) growth), you'll make a fortune. P.O.O.R means Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. And everyday is another opportunity to inves...