An INFJ's Journey To Self Discovery

© In one sentence - It was hard. Growing up, I discovered quite quickly that I was different. The two words that I remember being used to describe me while growing up were - "Quiet and Slow." There were many instances in which the words were used but, the most notable experience was my tenth birthday anniversary. I was born into a Christian family, so most celebrations were carried out within the religious gathering - my ten years old birthday celebration was not excluded either. It was a surprise celebration - I had no idea that it was being planned until the birthday morning when a huge cake landed on our doorstep. We (My family and I) took the cake and some snacks to the church family for the celebration, as was the norm. Several people who had close relationships with me were given the chance to talk about me during the ceremony. I remember vividly because the event was recorded into a tape which I watched severally growing up. My brother...