
Showing posts from July, 2020

Self Discovery and Your Basic Temperament

In a previous article , we introduced temperaments as the fundamental reasons we act differently or alike as the case may be. The four major temperaments known are: Choleric (extroverted) Sanguine (extroverted) Melancholic (introverted)   Phlegmatic /Supine (introverted) Each of these temperaments have traits that are unique to them. When the temperaments blend together in a person, we see the person exhibit traits from their temperamental blend. The traits they show more determine their Primary temperament while the Secondary temperament, as the name implies, balances it out. The four temperaments combine to form blends which are 12 in number. You might also show tetiary and quaternary traits from other temperaments but these are negligible.  The 12 blends of temperaments (from the most extroverted to the most introverted) are:  Sanguine-Choleric (San-Chlor) - Complete Extrovert Choleric-Sanguine (Chlor-San) - Complete Extrovert  Sanguine-P...