Hello friends... Hope you're having a beautiful day. I sure am having a beautiful day and I am super excited about continuing this series. If your love language is Quality time, you would notice that you love giving attention to friends and loved ones, you listen attentively when they speak and you spend time with them. Also, you'll notice that you feel hurt when you are ignored by someone you are close to. Although, this may not be the love language of other people around you (some people may even interpret it as time wastage or possessiveness), you have to understand their own love language, learn it and speak it to them. However, knowing your own love language (self awareness) helps alot, especially within the marriage institution, it helps your spouse a great deal. On the other hand, a person whose love language is words of affirmation is very good at compliments, giving encouragement, knowing the right words to describe an individual or situation, may as well be g...